失落的心情,任由自己低潮了一天 (其实本身的心情情绪已低落了好几个星期,好多该做的事都提不起劲,颓废了好一阵子)。。。 这样下去不对,不该,也不好。
好吧, 收拾好心情,重新出发。 失败乃成功之母。或许今天的失败是老天要给我提个醒,别再懒洋洋的,既然已设下了一些目标,就要真的花功夫去做到最好。 嗯,好吧,希望在明天,只要有努力,就会有成果。加油吧!
Saturday, 19 July 2008
Gloomy Friday...
Took a day off today to take my UK practical driving test... and I failed the test =( it's disappointing but its a done deal and i can do nothing about it but to book another test and do it again... sigh...
so from now on i better set my focus straight for the things to do in the coming months and not slack around anymore. cannot take things too easily anymore.
so from now on i better set my focus straight for the things to do in the coming months and not slack around anymore. cannot take things too easily anymore.
Sunday, 6 July 2008
最近开始不定时的下起雨来,可是这些雨常常只是像丝般的细雨, 或是断断续续,或是只有短短几分钟而已。忽然让我想起以前在大马或新加坡的那些倾蓬大雨, 滴滴答答的打在屋檐, 轰隆轰隆的雷声响。 感觉那才是下雨,那样的雨才够痛快。
嗯,人无论做任何事, 都要够痛快,够洒脱, 才爽。可是又有多少人能够真的做到这个地步呢?太多世属让我们瞻前顾后,畏首畏尾, 而变得不够痛快,不够爽。
嗯,人无论做任何事, 都要够痛快,够洒脱, 才爽。可是又有多少人能够真的做到这个地步呢?太多世属让我们瞻前顾后,畏首畏尾, 而变得不够痛快,不够爽。
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