It took 45minutes and 375Ft to reach Szentendre bus station. Szentendre is a picturesque town possessing something of a Mediterranean atmosphere. It's close proximity from Budapest made it an ideal day trip destination. You can take the Suburban railway (HÉV) from Batthyány Square in Budapest and the journey only takes 40 mninutes. Getting off the bus at the station, I didn't know exactly where to go as I don't see the town I saw in the guide books. There's a supermarket next to the station so I bought a bread with some paste on top which looks kinna like tuna. But I was wrong again, they were not tuna and I can't really tell what it is but it's definitely pretty salty. I saw some people going towards the other side of the road so I just went with the flow... bingo, thats the colorful town I saw in the books.
The houses and shops here were painted in bright vibrant colours, pink, yellow, baby blue, red, green... it was just so beautiful!!! The floors are tiled with cobbed web stones. There are cafes as usual and also ice cream booth/shops with long queues of people waiting to get their ice cream cones. Its pretty touristy but I still liked due to the colors. I wandered around the town and I came to the river banks so I decided to sit down and take a rest before heading back to Budapest. I would definitely recommend anybody to make a day trip out here and enjoy this great colorful town. As I was walking into the town, I saw a girl standing on a stool outside a window and chatting with someone inside the house. I couldn't see the person inside but then the girl started applying make up by the window. Pretty interesting sight :)
Going back I just need to buy the HEV ticket that validates my travel to the border of Budapest and after that I could just travel using my weekly travel pass. Just before the train closes the doors, it will sound a very nice melody to warn the passengers. I bought a bag of paprika flavored Lays chips and munch it on the journey back home. A stern-faced uncle was sitting opposite me and watched me eating my Lays... but there's no sign saying no food in the train so don't care lah... Back at Nyugati Ter, I bought a Gyros as my dinner that night. Gyros is actually something like kebabs but the wrap is something like a triangular-shaped chinese bun but flat. So the middle of the bun will be stuffed with meat, veggies, onions and tomatoes and then they will pour some sour cream and chilies on top of it. It tasted pretty good actually but it's not a traditional Hungarian food (according to the civil engineer). But food is food and as long as it taste good, I'm not complaining.
steady leh ...
Know how to enjoy life
hehehe ...
Can confirm your position over in UK?
hehe... you also not bad ma...
I'm in Swindon if that's what you meant? why?
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