Today marks the one year anniversary I stepped foot on the land of the Great Britain. It only seems like yesterday that I've quit my job and bid farewell to family and friends back home to embark on the journey chasing my dreams at this faraway land. Looking back, I have been very fortunate in this journey of mine so far... having the help and support from relatives and friends before and after came to UK.
Here is where I've first experienced the four seasons, the change in climate from hot to cold, humid to dry, hot scorching sun to gloomy overcast days... it's not easy to adapt to this cold climate here and my hands and feet are often freezing cold... it even got pretty bad chillblains... Staple food has also changed from rice to bread and I have tried more cooking than ever.
Working here in UK is also a whole new experience. People here (at least in my company) emphasize on work-life balance. It's uncommon to see people working til very late. Unlike in Asian countries where it's almost an unwritten law that one should not leave on the dot or he/she might be seen as undedicated. However, its normal to see people going on the dot here and by 6+ or 7pm, there's basically nobody left in the office. The way they analyze and resolve a problem, their wealth of knowledge and their passion towards their job are something to learn from.
A whole year away from friends and family and living by myself made me come to realized something I thought otherwise.
I am missing my family.
I am feeling lonely.
I am longing for the company of my friends and family.
I still have a long way to go on this journey of mine. Learning and discovering about a lot of things about life, about the world, about me. So wish me luck and give me all the strength and wisdom i need to continue on this life-long journey.
Happy Anniversary !!!
wow.. time flies extremely fast.
and yah, what u say is so true.. i worked before in ireland and US.. by 4.30pm or 5pm, the office will be empty. in KL here, you can still see ppl in office til 11pm or even later. sigh... asians!
anyways, happy anniversary 1 yr in UK!
Hmm.. the problem is always lies on the people.. they should group together and go home latest by 7 p.m. But asians they don't really put 100% of their mind in works.
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