Thursday, 6 March 2008

开场白。Small Talk

One thing I noticed after working in UK is that people here always like to start a conversation (any conversation) with something totally different from the real intended topic. It seems as if it is not polite to just go straight up to a person and say what you intend to say / ask without beginning your conversation with a little small talk.

On Monday morning - "How's your weekend?"
After holiday - "How's your holiday?"
General - "Hello, how are you?"; "Hi, are you alright?"; "Lovely weather"; "Hello"

Combined into an actual conversation:
A: Hello, how are you?
B: Hi, fine thank you. You?
A: Good. Good weekend?
B: Yeah, pretty good. Took my kids out to the parks... (or whatever they were doing)
A: Ah, that's very nice. The weather was lovely, wasn't it....

--- this can go on for a few more lines ---

A: Well, actually I just sent you an email regarding ... (goes into the real topic)

To me it's a little awkward. But then, 入乡随俗 (you have to follow the local rules) so I too am trying my best to learn these small talks. Til date, I am still not doing well in this section ;p


Anonymous said...

heyya.. managed to read ur blog.. sounds like ur are looking great there. good on you ;)

ElMO said...
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ElMO said...

yeah, so far so good ;p thanks.